Why Should You Invest In Ark Mines

Ark Mines has invested in the right elements to mine.

Gold is always a solid and potentially profitable element to mine. Its stability makes it very attractive to many investors and the prospects with our Pluton tenement look very promising at this point.

Copper, Nickle, Iron and Cobalt are the other 4 elements that Ark is mining through multiple tenements.

With the explosion in demand for Electric Vehicle Batteries, mining companies whom can supply the raw materials needed to make these large EV batteries are well positioned to increase their turnover and potential return on investment to shareholders.

Iron:  Already used in dozens of products and manufacturing processes, the potential demand for Iron could increase in the short to medium term even further as the hunt for more alternative EV batteries continues.

Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries are the latest alternative EV battery technology to hit the market and the demand for them is poised to explode with Tesla already committing many of their entry level model cars to use the batteries going forward.

Copper, Nickle, and Cobalt: All three of these elements are considered vital to the manufacturing of EV batteries today. The quantity of each of these elements found in a single EV battery is staggering!

  • While conventional cars have 18-49 pounds of copper, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) contain approximately 85 pounds, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) use 132 pounds, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) contain 183 pounds, a hybrid electric bus contains 196 pounds, and a battery electric bus contains 814 pounds.

  • In 2020, an average lithium-ion battery contained around 28.9 kilograms of nickel

  • EV batteries can have up to 20 kg of Cobalt in each 100 kilowatt-hour (kWh) pack. Right now, Cobalt can make up to 20% of the weight of the cathode in lithium ion EV batteries.

Commonly generated through secondary refinement from nickel and copper ores, cobalt is a critical input for Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries and the growth of electrified vehicles in the global fleet.

The NCM (nickel-cobalt-manganese) and NCA (nickel-cobalt-aluminum) battery compositions are dominant in the EV industry, accounting for over 90% of the global EV battery market.

Excluding China, the battery market in the rest of the world is made of 26% NCA, 40% NCM 622, and 32% NCM 811. Further, 24% of total cobalt demand is associated with the EV industry.

More reasons to consider investing in Ark Mines Ltd.

General Motors announced that it aims to stop selling petrol-powered and diesel models by 2035. Audi, based in Germany, plans to stop producing such vehicles by 2033.

Lithium itself is not scarce. Researchers are more worried about cobalt, which is the most valuable ingredient of current EV batteries. And nickel, another major component of EV batteries, could also face shortages.

LONDON, Feb 3 (Reuters) – Rising sales of electric vehicles (EVs) and a scramble along the supply chain to secure materials have propelled prices of battery ingredients nickel, cobalt and lithium to multi-year highs.

Cobalt metal on the London Metal Exchange is trading at four-year highs around $71,000 a tonne. (02/2022)

Shortages of nickel have fueled a rally that took prices to $24,435 a tonne last month, the highest since August 2011. (02/2022)

Why is copper used in EV?

Copper is a cornerstone of the EV revolution. At the heart of the electric vehicle, copper is used throughout because of its high electrical conductivity, durability and malleability. And even more is used in charging stations and in supporting electrical grid infrastructure.